
Working with us

Why work with us?

We put you in control, via the Intermediary Hub, saving you and your clients valuable time
Dedicated service and support teams based in the UK
Attractive rates with quick processing times
Instant access to tools that help you understand your clients’ borrowing needs

Register to work with us

Register to work with us

  • Step 1


    You’ll need to register (or re-register if your details have changed) before you can submit mortgage business with us.

    To register online, please make sure you have the following information close by:

    • Your last 6 years’ residential history
    • Your company name and Financial Services Registration number
    • Your head office address and contact details
    • Your procuration fee/mortgage club scheme details
    • Your company bank account details, if you’re directly authorised and wish to be paid directly (not via a mortgage club)
    • Your business email address
    • Directors only – ensure you input 'Sales Director' or 'Compliance Oversight' into the Proc Fee text box

    Your administrators will also need to register if you wish them to track cases on your behalf through the Intermediary Hub.

  • Step 2


    Once you’ve submitted your registration form, we’ll send you a confirmation email and set you up with instant access our products and services.

  • Step 3

    Access the Intermediary Hub

    After everything is set up, you can log in to the Intermediary Hub, our portal system that puts you in control. From here, you’ll have access to real-time case updates, live chat and the ‘Knowledge’ help centre.

Affordability calculators

Understand how much your client could afford to borrow with our calculators.

Mortgage Credit Directive

Everything you need to know about the MCD and how it affects the way you work.